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HomeGAMESWordle Answer 7 October 2022

Wordle Answer 7 October 2022

Are you looking for the Wordle answer today 7 October? Today, we’ll show you the Wordle answer of 7 October 2022.

Wordle answer 7 October 2022

For those without prior knowledge, Wordle’s objective is to figure out a daily five-letter word within six guesses. The less guesses you make, the better; if you guess it incorrectly at all, your streak will end.The latter is the reason that figuring out today’s Wordle solution is so important; players take satisfaction in maintaining their streak. So why you have to take a chance on a final guess when you can discover a few hints and, if that doesn’t work, discover the true solution? This page can be of assistance.

Wordle answer for today’s clues

You might only need a few suggestions to get you through the finish line rather than going directly to the solution:

  • This term doesn’t have any letters that repeat.
  • There are two vowels in the word—one at the beginning and one after the fourth letter.
  • The third letter is what we would call unusual.
  • If you want a hint as to what it means, it’s a word that’s frequently used to express enjoying an activity or occasion.
  • Still uncertain? For the solution, keep reading.

Sharing a Wordle answer

Once you’ve finished today’s solution, are you looking for more word searches? RPS, our sister site, has some recommendations.
Wordle response for word 478 on October 10, 2022
Still uncertain despite the aforementioned hints and hoping to continue that streak?

ENJOY is the current Wordle response.

The Wordle answer for today did not impress me. For all of my six suggestions, there was no green letter positioning to be seen. I was seriously confused by the word’s opening vowel and the middle “J.” I sincerely hope the hints above helped you maintain your own streak if you were also stumped on this one.


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