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Where Will Forza Horizon 6 Set Next?

Where Will Forza Horizon 6 Set Next? Read this article to find out where will be the next Forza Horizon 6 set.

Where Will Forza Horizon 6 Set Next?

With each new installment, Playground Games improves the formula and driving dynamics of the Forza Horizon games. Forza is all about automobiles, whereas the Horizon series is equally focused on the setting in each installment.

Now that Colorado, Southern France, Northern Italy, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Mexico are in the rearview mirror, our focus is directed toward Forza Horizon 6’s setting. When and where will the next chapter of our open-road journey take place?

The release date for Forza Horizon 6

The majority of the Forza Horizon games release every two years, with the exception of the fifth installment. Forza Horizon 5 may have been delayed by global events and new Xbox platforms, but we predict that Forza Horizon 6 will release in 2023 or possibly 2024.

The series is more well-liked than ever, therefore we believe Microsoft will be eager to hasten the development of a new game and attempt to match the popularity of Horizon 5. Of course, neither Xbox nor Playground Games have officially confirmed Forza Horizon 6 or its setting.

Forza Horizon 6: Possible configurations

Here is where we believe Forza Horizon 6 might take place:



Imagine building a Colossus track around or even on top of the Great Wall of China for Forza Horizon? In addition, China offers a variety of settings to change up the gameplay, including open fields, fishing villages along the coast, and gleaming megacities. Playground Games could really create something remarkable with China as the backdrop for Forza Horizon 6 in this country.

Emirate of the Arabs


Imagine cruising into a tropical oasis where you store your cars after zipping over the desert while the metropolis sparkles in the distance.

This one, in our opinion, is more a matter of when than if. The developers will take note of the fact that Forza Horizon 5 shown how effectively desert settings fit into the Horizon series. Locations like Dubai seem poised to host a Horizon event at some time because the UAE is known for its gorgeous vehicles and picturesque landscapes.



India is actually unlike any other country in the world, which makes it the perfect backdrop for Forza Horizon 6. Playground Games could really go to town in creating the most distinctive Horizon game ever because the scenery is so diverse.

Players might race through villages, ancient ruins, and forests while battling monsoons, scorching temperatures, and rolling landscapes. India must be on the list of locations being considered for Forza Horizon 6 at this point.



We’re surprised we haven’t had the opportunity to play Forza Horizon while driving down Germany’s autobahns yet. These are freeways without speed limits, therefore they would be ideal for Forza Horizon 6’s environment.

Naturally, the game would need to have more than just the autobahns, so picture Horizon Festival with an Oktoberfest-like atmosphere, but without the intoxicating beverages and with a focus on automobiles and German engineering. It would be lovely to drive through the forests and countryside of Bavaria. Many people don’t know about or rarely visit this side of Germany.



For us, the setting for Forza Horizon 6 should be in Japan. There is just so much potential, and since Forza Horizon 2, fans have been begging for it. The game could not only capitalise on the Tokyo drift racing scene, but it could also provide some breathtaking street races with some of the most renowned supercars in the world.

However, Japan is not just about technology and vibrant cities—the nation also offers unique landscapes. Players will likely experience some of Forza Horizon’s most thrilling cross-country and rally events as they zoom past Buddhist monasteries and castles built in the sixteenth century in its mountainous highlands. The possibilities are endless, such as through cherry tree forests and hot springs.

Simply put, Forza Horizon needs to include Japan at some time. The setting will be distinctive from anything we’ve ever seen in the Forza Horizon series. The good news is that we believe Playground Games are aware of this as well.


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